Number Agreement Error in Word

As a copy editor, one of the most common errors I come across in written content is number agreement errors in word. This error can be frustrating for readers and can harm the credibility of the writer. Therefore, it`s important to understand what number agreement errors in word are and how to avoid them.

Simply put, number agreement errors in word occur when there is a mismatch between the number of a subject and its verb or when there is a mismatch between the number of a noun and its accompanying pronoun. For example, the sentence, “The dogs runs fast,” is incorrect because the noun “dogs” is plural, but the verb “runs” is singular.

Here are some common examples of number agreement errors in word:

– The team is (should be “are”) working hard to win the game.

– Each of the boys has (should be “have”) a different favorite color.

– The company announced that they (should be “it”) will be expanding their (should be “its”) operations.

Number agreement errors in word can be avoided by following some simple rules:

1. Make sure that the subject and verb agree in number. For example, “The cat sleeps” is correct because both the subject “cat” and the verb “sleeps” are singular. On the other hand, “The cats sleep” is correct because both the subject “cats” and the verb “sleep” are plural.

2. Make sure that the pronoun agrees in number with the noun it is referring to. For example, “She loves her dog” is correct because both the pronoun “her” and the noun “dog” are singular. On the other hand, “They love their dogs” is correct because both the pronoun “their” and the noun “dogs” are plural.

3. Be careful when using words that can be both singular and plural. For example, “deer” is both singular and plural, so you would say “One deer is grazing” or “Two deer are grazing.”

In conclusion, number agreement errors in word can be easily avoided by paying attention to the number of the subject, verb, noun, and pronoun in a sentence. By following the simple rules outlined above, you can ensure that your writing is clear and error-free, helping you to communicate your message more effectively and maintaining your credibility as a writer.

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